Construction Industry Technician
Who would benefit from this course?
All NEF construction professional development certificates were created for all employed within or wishing to be employed in a construction industry role without prejudice to gender, race, or ethnic background. Some professionals that could benefit from this program include the following.
- Superintendents, foremen, and skilled trade workers looking to move into a management or supervisory positions
- Office staff and administration that need or are looking for a more comprehensive view of the construction industry
- Supportive industries with little or no construction background such as, insurance, lawyers, accountants, and others
- College and high school students in construction and design academic programs (this could serve as a stackable credential to any of these programs)
CIT Course Companion
New to the NEF construction education programs is the CIT Course Companion. This is a self-guided study guide to help individuals to prepare for the CIT test. Each chapter of the CIT has been developed into the following useful information.
- Chapter Review – This resembles a class lecture. It is a PowerPoint with an instructor-led look. Not only will you be able to see the PowerPoint, but an instructor will verbally guide you through the chapter content.
- Answers to the Chapter Review Questions – These are the answers to every end of chapter question.
- Quiz – Take a quiz that resembles the type of questions you will encounter on the test.
Complete CIT Kit
- Hardcover and Online eBook
- CBT Certification Exam
Hardcover Book
- Hardcover Book
- CBT Certification Exam
Online eBook
- Online eBook
- CBT Certification Exam
- Book Not Included
- CBT Certification Exam Retest

I took the CDS, CIT, and CBT courses to help me learn more about construction beyond my employing sub-trade. The benefits were incredible. My employer received an immediate return on investment when I was able to create a basic schedule for a project we were bidding, based solely on what I learned from a NEF course. Many years later, the textbooks are some of the most valuable resources in my library. Can’t beat the cost of these courses. A must-take if you want to learn what other trades are doing and to understand construction terminology. Know the processes from project financing to finish. Self-pace or join a group study. NEF courses are a wonderful way to get ACCE credentialed training without enrolling in a semester-long college class and paying more. Thanks, NEF!
Julie Bennett, CDS, CBT, CIT
Certification Testing
Exam Type Closed Book
Passing Score 75
Number of Questions 100
Time Allowed (hours) 1.5